Black Snake – Gunfighter


The first official wide release figure from  our new sub-line Weird Western Tales: Cow-BRUH! Collective.  These upcoming single release figures are influenced by the coolest toys ever to grace the planet, but with a uniquely WESTERN THEMED flair!

The Black Snake – Gunfighter figure comes clad in black, with dark brown leather trims, and includes 1x alternate portrait head.  Please note that the plain mask head shown in the art had to be dropped to keep the price low, but we kept the two coolest noggins shown in the image(s).  Also, this figure has the following removable gear:  hat, bandana, vest, satchel, holster, belt, pistol, sabre, scabbard, and a DYNAMITE stick! This figure comes polybagged with a header card, and is ready to head out to you right now!

Look for other Cow-BRUH! Collective releases in our upcoming horse Kickstarter in August of 2024.  Who will be made available, and how far does the line go?  You help determine the answer!

695 in stock

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