Riverboat Gambler – W. Earl Brown
The next in our series of licensed Showtime Celebrity Portrait characters, the Riverboat Gambler is a much needed addition to our world. Our buddy W. Earl Brown was brought on board by fellow alum of HBO’s Deadwood: Keone Young and is a very famous face with a career going back many years and across many genres.
Personal bio:
Hailing from the hollers of Kentucky, American-born actor W. Earl Brown got a taste of entertainment early in life. Taking an acting class at Murray State led to an MFA at DePaul University’s Theatre School. Beginning his acting career in Chicago, he gambled & moved out West to find work with directing legend Wes Craven in three key films.
W. Earl Brown is most well known as Dan Dority on HBO’s Deadwood, Warren in There’s Something About Mary, & Kenny in Scream. He played Tannti the Weequay Bartender on both Star Wars: The Mandalorian & The Book of Boba Fett, Teague Dixon on HBO’s True Detective, & too many more roles to list. Mr. Brown’s also enjoyed doing voice-over work for the 2013 Game of the Year, The Last of Us.
Mr. Brown spends as much time with his family as able, has received both WGA/SAG nominations, & makes music with his band The Sacred Cowboys. Often asked why his name differs in the credits of many of his projects, he has also wondered aloud why no one’s ever made an action figure of him… until now.
Character bio:
Born to ride the trail on long cattle drives, the Riverboat Gambler has retired as he’s grown older. He now trawls the lengths of the Mississippi, making his living playing poker and other games of chance. A dab hand with cattle, he discovered his penchant for gambling while traveling in
his younger days. As the sunsets caught up with him, he traded in his saddle for a fine silk vest and picked up the cards full time. Prideful of his appearance above the table line, his shirts are always pressed, his collars and cuffs fresh, and his garters nicked from his latest lady friend!
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